Image shows little girl whispering to woman's ear who has high-frequency hearing loss

What is high-frequency hearing loss?

People who suffer from high-frequency hearing loss have difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds. A notable consequence of this is that consonants become difficult to hear, meaning that others may sound like they are mumbling.

High-frequency hearing loss is often caused by age-related hearing loss and noise-induced hearing loss.

Illustration shows part of the ear where high-frequency hearing loss occurs

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What causes high-frequency hearing loss?

High-frequency hearing loss can be caused by a wide range of health and lifestyle factors. Causes of high-frequency hearing loss include:

  • Aging
  • Genetics
  • Exposure to certain drugs
  • Syndromes
  • Diseases
  • Noise exposure
Low-frequency hearing loss

Preventing high-frequency hearing loss

While there are many health and lifestyle factors that can contribute to your risk for developing high-frequency hearing loss, there are steps that you can take to prevent it.

Using ear plugs (or other hearing protection) in excessively loud environments is a great way to protect your ears from damaging sound levels.

Untreated hearing loss

Signs and symptoms of high-frequency hearing loss

Struggling to follow conversations and understand what others say are two common signs of high-frequency hearing loss. Other signs include:

Image shows people in conversation
Difficulty following conversations
You have difficulty following group conversations (especially when background noise is present)
Image shows man looking at his phone
Phone conversations are unclear
You have trouble following phone conversations in quiet and noisy places
Image shows woman holding hand close to her ear
People seem to be mumbling
You often ask people to repeat themselves. Sounds seem unclear, or people sound like they are mumbling
Image shows woman trying to locate sounds
Difficulty locating sounds
You have difficulty locating where sounds are coming from
Image shows woman holding head suffering from pain
Signs of tinnitus
You experience ringing or buzzing sounds in your ears (called tinnitus)
Image shows elderly couple watching televison
Turning up the TV too loud
Your friends or family say you turn the television up too loud
Image of man talking to an audiologist in a hearing clinic in front of a screen with audiogram

Treatment for high-frequency hearing loss

Our hearing care experts often recommend hearing aids as an effective treatment method for high-frequency hearing loss. More specifically, the hearing aids can be programmed to focus on amplifying higher frequency sounds, thereby allowing the hearing aid user to hear these sounds again.

Our hearing care experts will be able to provide the best guidance on which type of hearing aid is best for your individual needs.

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Your hearing is our expertise

Our comprehensive FREE Guide to Hearing Health provides information on the various types of hearing loss, their causes, possible management options, what to expect from a hearing assessment, and much more including:

  • Audika’s commitment to the highest level of customer service
  • Helping a loved one with hearing loss
  • Types of hearing aids
  • Funding options for people needing financial support
Maddison Franse Audiologist head shot grey background
Maddison Franse - Audiologist and Medical and Clinical Projects Specialist

BSc, MClinAud, MAudA(CCP)

What drew Maddison to the hearing care industry was the potential to help others connect with those around them, enriching their quality of life. Over her career at Audika she has gained experience in adult rehabilitation, paediatric testing and tinnitus management, and been involved the training and development of graduate and student audiologists. Excited to share her passion for hearing health and excellent clinical care she moved into the role of Medical & Clinical Projects Specialist.

Maddison's current role allows her to raise hearing health awareness amongst other health professionals and support Audika’s clinical network in providing the best possible service and care to their clients.